Life Coach Certification

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chambers - A judge's private office in the courthouse.   

change of venue - The removal of a suit begun in one county or district to another for trial, or from one court to another in the same county or district. In criminal cases, for example, a change of venue will be permitted if the court feels the defendant cannot receive a fair trial where the court is located.   

charge - The statement accusing a person of committing a particular crime. Also the judge's instructions to the jury on its duties, on the law involved in the case and on how the law in the case must be applied.   

child abuse - Any form of cruelty to a child's physical, moral or mental well-being.   

circumstantial evidence - All evidence of an indirect nature. Testimony not based on actual personal knowledge or observation of the facts in controversy.   

citation - An order of the court requiring the appearance of a defendant on a particular day to answer to a particular charge.   

civil case - A lawsuit brought to enforce, redress, or protect private rights or to gain payment for a wrong done to a person or party by another person or party. In general, all types of actions other than criminal proceedings.   

clerk of the court - Court official who keeps court records, files pleadings, motions, and judgments, and administers the oath to jurors and witnesses.   

code - A collection, compendium or revision of laws, rules and regulations enacted by the legislature, i.e., Utah Code Annotated.   

codicil - A supplement or an addition to a will. It may explain, modify, add to, subtract from, qualify, alter, restrain or revoke provisions in the existing will.   

commit - To send a person to prison or jail in criminal proceedings, or to another institution in civil cases by authority of a court.   

common law - General provisions of law existing before codification or interpretation by courts.   

commutation - The change of a punishment from a greater degree to a lesser degree, as from death to life imprisonment. In Utah this may be done by the Board of Pardons.   

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